Chapter 10–12

Andrew Lazina
2 min readApr 10, 2020

Chapter10- It is very important to address PR related issues before the media lets them spin out of control. Tiger Woods sex scandal is a good example of this. Tiger Woods did not address this issue for a long time while news stations were reporting on it for a long time. Eventually, he spoke to the media, but his PR team should have utilized twitter or some other form of social media earlier. You can not just rely on newspapers and news organizations to report. Good writing skills are important to anyone in PR. A good news story meets the criteria of a good news release.

Chapter 11- Beat reporting is the regular coverage of a specific topic, governmental agency or a geographical area. You must always be prepared while beat reporting. You need to have an understanding of the people you are dealing with and who you can trust for information. You also need to build relationships with sources. Asa beat reporter, ask who this will affect, how important is this, who is for this and who is against this and how much will it cost and who will pay.

Chapter 12- While covering speeches and conferences, it will help a lot to have a good understanding of the topic beforehand. Before a speech, it is vital to identify the speaker correctly. You should also talk to your editor to ensure you are asking the proper questions that they want to be answered. You should also have up to date background information on the speaker. Using a digital recorder is helpful to ensure you get accurate content. Be aware of what medium you are using. If it is twitter or creating a breaking news report you must be briefer while if you are writing a story you use the recorder and be more detailed.



Andrew Lazina

Liberty University Digital Media Performance Major Minor in Journalism